The liberalist Netherlands


By comparing statements made by Baudet on interviews and one of his own works, I have tried to gain insight in his ways of thought. From this comparison and backed by my research I will draw my conclusion.

                I am willing to conclude that Thierry Baudet has created a paradox surrounding his caricature. Whilst it is clear that in the current political situation Thierry Baudet is not actively trying to diminish the feminist ideology within Dutch politics. His ideas and outings from the past could very well be perceived as sexist and masculine, therefore it is not out of the ordinary that till this day he might still possess some of these sexist and masculine opinions. Also it is not a far stretch to conclude that he has tried to diminish the feminist ideology in the past.

Not to express his current opinions in the house of representatives and during his campaign could be a strategy to avoid losing potential voters. For him not to express his thoughts in words whilst most of his following supports his ways, is a smart marketing campaign for the party. They don’t scare off potential newcomers and they keep their old voters. However, but less likely, it could also be a genuine change of opinion.

                For now, by contradicting himself in the past, he has created the opportunity to question the legitimacy of his motives and his character. As such I will do so until further notice.