
Alvaro Tellez

I’m a second year Media & Information student. Having spent half of my life in Mexico and the other half in Romania, I was excited at the opportunity to study Dutch culture with a view to gaining a deeper understanding of the country I now call home. As part of my research in this course, I am interested in exploring the experiences of immigrants integrating with Dutch culture.

Anouk Gielen

I’m a third-year European studies student from Amsterdam. I’m majoring in European Culture, so I have a particular interest for different cultures in Europe. In my papers I have often focussed the different regional cultures present in the Netherlands, like for example the Frisians. I think it is really interesting to look at Dutch culture from a broader perspective. Especially as a Dutch person, we often don’t realize what how the Netherlands is perceived by others. I think this course is a great opportunity to explore this! 

Ella Bailey

My name is Ella and I am a fourth year student of European Studies at the UvA, originally from Ireland. Though I major in European law, I am very much interested in learning about different cultures which is why I took part in an Erasmus exchange to France last year. I also really enjoyed the Vermeer’s Delft course which took place via Zoom in block five. I look forward to enhancing my knowledge of Dutch culture this semester through this course and hope to investigate the role of printing and publishing in the Netherlands in the 17th century for my article.

Nanne Mast

I am a second year student in Scandinavian language and culture at the UvA. I am born and raised in The Netherlands and my interests lie in culture, language and politics. I have a particular interest in internal European realtionships. In this course I am looking to widen my perspective of the Dutch culture and how it is percieved abroad. I am excited to learn more about the country I have lived in for so many years and I hope this course will provide me with the knowledge i seek.

Kei Jinguji

I am a Japanese student currently in their second year of the Media and Information course at UvA. I saw this course as a great opportunity to educate myself on a land that I live in yet do not fully know the culture of. I wish to enhance my understanding of all the different aspects of the Netherlands being reflected through a singular culture through this course. I am looking forward to researching the significance of water in this country, as it is built upon dozens of water channels which run through the canals seen across cities.

Anne Vervoort

I grew up in Sydney in Australia with Dutch parents and am currently in my third year of Literary and Cultural Analysis at the UvA. Growing up so far away from the Netherlands, I hardly got the chance to experience much of Dutch culture and society, so I thought this course would be a nice opportunity to learn some more about my second ‘native’ country. I am also particularly interested in Dutch people’s relationship with water.